On Angel Wing is based in the South West of England and was set up by Carole Ann Powell in January 2009

visit http://www.onangelwing.co.uk/ for details of survices and products offered

Wednesday 27 April 2011

It's all about love

The following poem was inspired by a very special man, my many years of self  healing, personal transformation and the writing from that journey. As I started to experience life from a different perspective, one of love, I began to realise that I, like everyone else, was born into this world with the gift of love and the power of transformation that love is. In childhood I learnt to fear that gift, mistrust love and forget about its power. I believe we all have to some degree!! I, like many humans have,  fell into the habitual behaviour  of associating  love with fear, abuse, and  disrespect. I wanted love and to feel safe so I tried very hard to please the adults around me and as a child, I reasoned that if that didn't happen.... ie they were still angry with me or unhappy, I had to try harder to make them happy. I knew that when they were happy I felt love. I couldn't make them happy all the time. I didn't get what I wanted which was for them to be happy so that  I felt safe and that  they  loved me.  I knew they loved me ..... but why didn't it feel like it? Why did I have to hide my authentic loving, powerful self in order to feel safe?

 I learnt to beleive that it was because  "I wasn't good enough" or worthy enough. That's no fault of my parents, teachers relatives or other adults in my life.  They did thier best from their own perceptions of love and responsibility etc...........from what they had been taught to beleive in their childhood....and so it was no fault of my parents that I found the environment of my childhood to be a hostile one. The "hostility" was a reflection of the habit of fear (habitual/ automatic fear based behaviour).....fear of love. Fear of love because of the many misconceptions about what love is. In truth there is nothing about love to fear. In truth love is a very high, powerful vibration, and its that high vibration that has some quaking with fear .... because they have learnt to vibrate at the lower vibration of fear! Healing and transformation takes place when we raise our vibration, and when that happens you open up to love, and you begin to create from the powerful and high vibration of love..... and that brings many positive changes in all areas of our lives.

A Thousand Fold

I have felt the intensity of your love
Of the love you hold within you
I have felt that same love within me
Hiding behind your fear behaviour
May have served you in the hostile
Environment of childhood
Where love was masked by fear 
But the only hostile environment
You are in now
Is of your own creation
From the mask you still wear 

Remove your mask of fear
It no longer serves you
Be within the environment of love
The love that you hold within you 
Loosen your hold and let the love
Flow from within you
And the environment of love
That you created
Will replenish your love
A thousand fold