On Angel Wing is based in the South West of England and was set up by Carole Ann Powell in January 2009

visit http://www.onangelwing.co.uk/ for details of survices and products offered

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Working with Goddess Kali 2am -3.15am

I have called  on the help of Hindu Goddess Kali several times in my life when I have needed clarity and help to move things forward. "Things" being a situation that I have created in my life, either by default or design, in which I have become stuck and I am feeling dizzy and frustrated by going around in circles unable to find the way out!

Kali is the Goddess of the ending of cycles, the death and transformation energy that lets go of the old and brings in the new. She is a "no nonsense" forthright goddess and is a great ally when you have made up your mind to let go of what no longer serves your highest good, when the old patterns of your behaviour keep you locked in struggle, when you cannot find you way out of the maze and need to be shown the exit!

I have a great respect for her and appreciate  her "no nonsense", focused and unwavering determination to assist me in "getting the job done". I trust Kali's instruction to do what is required of me to let go of the old cycle and step into the next one with confidence.Kali is challenging but I have learnt to trust her wisdom and guidance. This morning was no exception!

One of the old patterns which I had learnt, probably in childhood or maybe over previous life times was a fear of being ridiculed for expressing love, allowing the love within my heart (chakra) to guide me, to trust my inner wise and loving teacher (intuition)

After deleting several old programs and downloading new ones (visualisations in meditation), these words flowed from within me, from a place of deep inner peace and harmony.

(I am) Dancing to the joy of love in all areas of my life (and with it brings great wealth in all its forms, including prosperity, happiness, abundance, money etc. etc. etc.)

Then came …………

When love is offered, I need to take a step towards it and say

 “Yes, I accept love. I allow it and approve of it. Thank-you for the love you offer. I now choose to add my love to the love you offer by offering my love to you. Will you take a step towards me, likewise?”

And each step we take brings us closer until we merge; we occupy the same space, within love. So take my hand, and let us walk side by side, connected by love, within love, the love that flows within me, through me, to you and back again from you, around us in a loving embrace.

I decided to act on the instruction to “put this on the Website, blog page and On Angel Wing page (Facebook) as a note. (Ref the above) however, when typing all I’d written in preparation, I wondered if the following was to be included too!

We all come to each other for a reason. We all have a purpose for each other; we serve each other with this purpose. We receive and give to and from each other with this purpose. This is the dance of life. And the thread that runs between all of this is our connection to the Divine source of the Universe that is the source of all that is that flows through each of us, within us and around us.  

I now align my free will with the Dance of life through and within the joy of love, of light and Divine Wisdom. The music is the sound of creation,  the music of the spheres, the choir is the angels and all is conducted by the orchestra Master, God the Universe, the Divine source of all that is and ever will be.

 I am a dancer and I dance for the joy of dancing, for the love of music and the beauty of the body movement within the dance of life to the music of love.

Call on Kali any time you need help in letting go of old habits, and need assistance with determination to step confidently into new empowering ones..... any time of day, she is there..... call her name thre times .... and wait .....she will always respond but be warned, she's not one to hang around if your commitment to change is missing!

For change to happen you need to let go of the old and embrace the new

Kali Kali Kali please hear my call.......

Thank you , Goddess Kali for your loving help this morning. 

© 2011 Carole Ann Powell