On Angel Wing is based in the South West of England and was set up by Carole Ann Powell in January 2009

visit http://www.onangelwing.co.uk/ for details of survices and products offered

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Less Fear and more Love

The funny thing about fear is that is uses more energy than it does to be in love!

It takes more energy to struggle, fight, resist, more effort to defend yourself with clenched fists against all the expression of fear from others that your own fear has attracted to you. Fear also creates lack in your life!

Food for thought if "money is just energy" is that why I seem to waste more money when I'm in fear of not having enough or I am ungrateful for what I do have? By default, I am decreasing my abundance of joy, health, wealth, love, laughter and creating more of the lack of it simply by my own lack of love and gratitude..... Choose to fear less and love more creates more abundance in your life!

Being in love increases and expands energy, life becomes more effortless, and one feels relaxed, calm, healthy, trusting. Life becomes easier and oh the joy of attracting more of that towards you. Bliss!

In order to be in a healthy loving relationship we need to be with-in love with our own unique self-first. No, this is not being selfish. This is receiving love from yourself, from the limitless unconditional love of the “universal source of all that is”, or “God source” or “the Divine” that life force energy that breathes you, that lives you and all life on earth. When you allow your love to be, you become better at receiving love so that you can give to others and likewise allow yourself to receive love from them. This is being in love and there's nothing selfish about allowing love to flow through one’s self, within oneself and then allowing it to flow out to the unique self of others and to all life.

But like any healthy relationship, we need to get to know our own unique self. Accept our self, be kind and compassionate with our self.... be our own perfect lover, best friend, loving parent, guardian angel.... treating ourselves with respect and be honest with our self. This is being true to you; that is having faith in you. And when you can be full of faith in you, you can be faithful to others.

Be honest with your own self, what do you REALLY like to do?
How would you REALLY like to be, to think, to feel?
Are you in touch with your emotions? Can you allow to be expressed then let them go or do you hold on to them tightly, for fear of letting go? Do you allow the expression of ALL you emotions, or do you try to hide them, or suppress them, or deny them the freedom of expression. Why? Is that being honest with your self? Do you value honesty in a relationship? Be your own perfect lover.
Do you treat yourself as you wish others to treat you and treat others accordingly?

I know I didn't for a long time.

As I got to know myself, I realised that I was still treating  myself as others had when I was too young to stand up for myself, I victimised myself, bullied myself.... and sometimes managed to rescue myself! Always looking for what I did “wrong” but never praising myself for what I “right”. All this under the disguise of fear of not being good enough, worthy enough! I was never satisfied with myself, my efforts, my looks etc. etc. . . . so I tried even harder! Does that sound like someone you know?

I had built wall of fear around myself for protection against a world that left me confused and feeling very unsafe. My real self….. the part of me that knew all about love and its power to create an abundant wonderful life, was so lost out of view I forgot about having that wisdom, that power within me. Then I awoke from my dream of  illusion and the self-deceit which was fuelled by fear and confusion and I started to knock down that wall….

A wall built out of fear doesn't protect. It makes you defensive, its isolates you from love, from laughter from being the real authentic wonderful YOU. It gives you a place to hide away from life and from freedom. Fear limits, restricts and holds you back from experiencing the joy, limitlessness, the freedom the excitement that love brings with its vibration. Fear will imprison you in illusion and deceit.

It isn't love that hurts at the end of a relationship but the loss and lack of love you experience.... you've entered into fear.... and fear hurts! Fear of being loved again, fear of being on your own, fear of not being good enough, and that fear will keep hurting.

We experience the emotion of grief at the loss of the love you once shared with another person. This is a natural human response.

Allowing yourself to remain connected to the love within you, acknowledge the love you still experience with others and look at the positives.... review what you learnt about your own self from that relationship, what worked for you and what didn't, if it was abusive see that you are now free to work towards allowing a more healthy loving relationship with someone else. You are now free to be in love with someone more compatible, learn about you, love life and likewise, they are free to be with someone they are more compatible with. That is a bigger act of love than holding onto someone out of fear. Being held in a loving embraces feels safer than being held with fear.

We have the freedom to decide on which thought to focus on, what emotion to feel in any moment, how to experience life, what to experience in life.... that is how powerful we are..... Limitless potential just waiting to happen. Creation just waiting to manifest!

Fear limits, restricts, it excludes; it has tight boundaries, keeps us lost in the suffering of our past fears. We have a sense of being disempowered, of hopelessness. We are victimising our own unique self with our own bullying and wait to be saved...... fearful that we won't be!!!

Love is inclusive , limitless, expansive all encompassing. It moves us forward; it offers solutions, support compassion, trust, and vitality. It is safe, the power of love is protective it enlightens..... We “light up" when we're in love. We have "a spring in our step"; we're "floating on cloud nine".

It all sounds very positive to me. Yes please to more of that..... And all i have to do is allow myself to love my own unique self, to allow my own self to love life, to be grateful, to appreciate, to enjoy being with-in love and express this to others, and likewise allow the self of others to express likewise to me?

Well I'd say it would be worth thinking about at the very least, wouldn't you?

Fear less and love more

with much love and many blessings
© Carole Ann Powell

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Put it away in a safe place

Have you ever put something in such a safe place that you couldn’t remember where you had put it?
 I found a picture I brought back from India the other day. I’d completely forgotten I had it. It’s no longer in the “safe place” it’s on my wall so I can see it. It’s a reminder of how my life has changed and that dreams really do come true when I allow them to. But the story of India will need to wait for another posting.
In a different kind of safe place…………………………………….
I came into this life born with innocence and my light shining. I trusted that my needs would be met and I grew with the faith that my parents loved me. This was my innocence, unconditional love, trust and belief.
I heard somewhere that we choose our family before we are born. I chose my family well! I now understand that my family’s role wasn’t just to love, nurture me and take care of me but to teach me about being human, about fear, contrasts, illusion of the ego and so much more. And so I learnt to fear my light shining, allowing my joy and experience the innocence of happiness. The human experience includes lack and the effect that has on my perceptions of “reality”, my expectations of life. I learnt how to blame external forces and grew to believe that I was powerless, unable to change my life. I practiced this belief until it became an unconscious automatic way of being. I later discovered that it was just a “bad habit”.
I began to listen to a different voice than the external “teachers” around me. I began to listen to a wise loving voice within me, yet it seemed to be outside of me too. Yeah, I had wondered if I had lost the plot too! But this thing I later discovered to be intuition guided me. I discovered that when I acted on this feeling, this silent voice within me, a knowing within me, that “good things” happened. I felt happy. I felt safe. It all was effortless, that is without struggle. My life and my perceptions were changing.  
It is my dream to use the journals I have been writing to create a book which I hope will be of benefit to others in some way. The love I was searching for outside of me, was right there within me all the time, right there with my inner light which had become hidden.
I’d placed my feelings of love and kindness in a safe place within me a long time ago…. In such a safe place I’d forgotten where it was. . I do that a lot! Oh but the joy of finding that safe place again and the treasures contained there.
Welcome to On Angel Wing Blog.

The aim of On Angel Wing blog is to initaiate positives changes within you by stimulating your mind and encouraging you to allow your light to shine more brightly into this world.