On Angel Wing is based in the South West of England and was set up by Carole Ann Powell in January 2009

visit http://www.onangelwing.co.uk/ for details of survices and products offered

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Trying something different ...

Angel Greetings

I'm having one of those " feeling inspired to write " kinda days.
I am also blessed with some free time to do so happy to take this opportunity to express my passion......

Do you ever have those moments where suddenly you "get it" but when trying to explain it to someone else your revelation somehow seems to lose the "power"  you felt when it came to you? It gets lost in translation in its delivery and can even earn you a look that says " you've lost it". Now there's irony for you!

OSHO so eloquently expressed the  frustration this can leave me feeling when  he said,
 "The very nature of spiritual knowledge is such that the moment you try to express it, you feel that it cannot be expressed"

 On many occasions, when writing in  my daily journals the  inspired revelations that have brought that "ah, now I've got it" sense of "knowing without a shadow of a doubt" , I  find myself struggling  as try to make it understandable to for future reference - it is as though my ego/human consciousness automatically starts to edit the words which have been  downloaded from other consciousness.  In my human consciousness of trying to be understood and to make  the words be acceptable to others  - they are can become  misunderstood and unacceptable to others.

 Yet when I speak the same revelation whilst tuned into other consciousness to  facilitate meditation groups or clients coming for healing - , it is understood and  the gentle power  of its original delivery is present.
Perhaps the magic ingredient is love and trust. Maybe it  is present as they tune out the control of their human consciousness and join me in the tuning into "divine consciousness" their receptors change. Whatever the answer, magic happens and we all become more at peace within our hearts, more connected to our souls and more easily follow the wise guidance of our inner knowing or sensing - or 6th sense as it is also known as.

 This knowledge or "knowing " is not of the intellect nor is it purely an academic subject for the human mind to ponder upon. It is a state of being that comes naturally when we begin to tune into the ONE consciousness of ALL THAT IS with our own consciousness,  by whatever name religions define it by,it is ONE collective consciousness and that includes our own consciousness. We are a part of it not apart from it as our illusionary ego/human mind has learnt to think it is!.

  To understand and trust this and allow more revelations and inspired thought to guide our life is all part of the journey of life with human consciousness . The  ego self is simply learning something new , ie different to the conditioning of previous fear based learning from the informative years of childhood and beyond ...  to perceive the wisdom of our souls, and let our soul consciousness guide us through life. This is the first step to knowing yourself as more than just human consciousness ... and every thing new begins with a first step ....

 If ever you have had these moments where as soon as you try to express an  inspired  revelation which  has brought you bring a deeper understanding beyond the confines of human understanding,  then we have shared unconditional love in action. If you can relate to how difficult it can be to feel deeply inspired to do something even though you don't know how it will turn out or how it will unfold .... but you do it any way regardless of what other say .... then we have shared a moment of unconditional love in action. It takes trust and faith in love unconditioned by fear to let it move you into action. If you have not had such moments then you will.... sooner or later you will , the path you walk is leading you there .....  I hope you enjoy the roller coaster journey of your life.

With Love