On Angel Wing is based in the South West of England and was set up by Carole Ann Powell in January 2009

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Wednesday 12 January 2011

Put it away in a safe place

Have you ever put something in such a safe place that you couldn’t remember where you had put it?
 I found a picture I brought back from India the other day. I’d completely forgotten I had it. It’s no longer in the “safe place” it’s on my wall so I can see it. It’s a reminder of how my life has changed and that dreams really do come true when I allow them to. But the story of India will need to wait for another posting.
In a different kind of safe place…………………………………….
I came into this life born with innocence and my light shining. I trusted that my needs would be met and I grew with the faith that my parents loved me. This was my innocence, unconditional love, trust and belief.
I heard somewhere that we choose our family before we are born. I chose my family well! I now understand that my family’s role wasn’t just to love, nurture me and take care of me but to teach me about being human, about fear, contrasts, illusion of the ego and so much more. And so I learnt to fear my light shining, allowing my joy and experience the innocence of happiness. The human experience includes lack and the effect that has on my perceptions of “reality”, my expectations of life. I learnt how to blame external forces and grew to believe that I was powerless, unable to change my life. I practiced this belief until it became an unconscious automatic way of being. I later discovered that it was just a “bad habit”.
I began to listen to a different voice than the external “teachers” around me. I began to listen to a wise loving voice within me, yet it seemed to be outside of me too. Yeah, I had wondered if I had lost the plot too! But this thing I later discovered to be intuition guided me. I discovered that when I acted on this feeling, this silent voice within me, a knowing within me, that “good things” happened. I felt happy. I felt safe. It all was effortless, that is without struggle. My life and my perceptions were changing.  
It is my dream to use the journals I have been writing to create a book which I hope will be of benefit to others in some way. The love I was searching for outside of me, was right there within me all the time, right there with my inner light which had become hidden.
I’d placed my feelings of love and kindness in a safe place within me a long time ago…. In such a safe place I’d forgotten where it was. . I do that a lot! Oh but the joy of finding that safe place again and the treasures contained there.

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