On Angel Wing is based in the South West of England and was set up by Carole Ann Powell in January 2009

visit http://www.onangelwing.co.uk/ for details of survices and products offered

Thursday 6 February 2014

.......and back again!

During the summer 2013,  I had the repetitive thought of writing a blog called the Angel Diaries which led to  the realisation  that I couldn't remember HOW to access my this blog site and the fact that I had set this blog page up in the first place left me feeling amazed by what I had achieved. No one told me how to but i trusted my intuition and a blog site was born! I didn't take any action until today when one thing led to another, as i followed intuitive guidance until here i am writing again. .... and enjoying the process of the words flowing effortlessly onto the page.

When my blog page popped up on my screen, as if by magic,   I was surprised when I  read the date of my last blog just  how much time has passed by.

I've been on a journey of discovery and found myself , that is ,  my true self which was being obstructed by my the false self I imagined into being during my childhood. My "false self" is also known as "my ego".

Many years ago I wrote the name of different chapters on some paper in preparation for a book I wanted to share with the world. The idea was  inspired by higher guidance but delayed by lower guidance. The delay was just that - a delay of the inevitable production of "The book". The delay contained within it many lessons, such is the ego's way, as a valuable teacher,  it took me along a different path from the one I would have preferred for an easier life!

Frequently my angel team tell me "expect the unexpected" or "let it unfold" when i become inpatient and want to know what happens, whats the outcome of events happening and relationships beginning etc.   The ego wants to control, find out what the outcome is so it can control it "make it happen" instead of letting it happen (let it unfold)  so that the message can be received and happening experienced. Allowing life to unfold does not mean sitting back  and doing nothing. It means to participating with co-operation whilst trusting life to reveal itself,  like a rose bud unfolds its petals to reveal its full beauty within. Let life unfold its petals and reveal its beauty. The rose, in its opening, releases its beautiful scent into the world to attract the  alchemist bees. The bees receive the gift of the pollen , which they gift to their queen who uses it to create life. by receiving the pollen from the rose life continues - for the rose and the bees, we can delight in their creation and participate with in life by receiving the gifts that life offers and giving to others.

Let life unfold like a rose bud,without interference ,  trust of the wisdom of the source that life comes from.

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